In april i miscarriaged the doctor did testing and found out a have lupus on my skin which lupus is a auto immune disease its pain full the flare ups sometimes become infected. Last year i lost my jair this year its effecting my eyes and my hands and back i go all numb on my hands and they become purple and drop anything.thats in my hands and the pain makes me wish i was in labor with back labor no one understands the pain or sees it until i break down. It took 8 miscarriages and lossing a baby at 27 weeks October 23 last year for the doctors to test and see. Now i deal with this over the past 3 years its gotten bad the ob said i could have had it and never knew until she test. What brings lupus there's no answer they think hormone imbalance but not sure. Theres days like today i want to cut to try and forget the pain. No one understands unless they go threw it or are willing to research it.