Saturday, November 22, 2014


Everyguy says he would love to stay home with the baby but when it does happen the housw is destroyed and nothing  gets done not even dishs and then compairs what you do to them or when they do work they think  its easy to stay home i hate staying home i like doing both atleast i get someone to talk to when i work then a 2 year old and repeating my self 200+times a day.


I love being a mom but i dont like being home 24/7 i feel like im not needed anymore i miss having someone need me for everybit i wish i knew why i cry seeing her dew new things maybe the thought of having another one nad losing it like i have before. I miss being pregnant  and miss working my ass of maybe as a kid i did bad jobs and fucked up alot but one thing i mnow i havnt fucked up was being a mom and a fiance i try my best even when im mad i still try. People think most teen moms can get loans for school guess what bitches if u have a more then. A certain  about you cant so i have to wait until i can save money for my ged and carrer what i want to do inlife.